We are always on the lookout for fresh perspectives in the literary sphere.

Your manuscript could be the next bestseller.

No matter if you are a budding writer trying to get your first book out there, or a well-versed author, we have an array of services designed to assist you in realizing your book publishing aspirations.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines for Horton Press LLC

Horton Press LLC invites submissions of manuscripts, including query letters and proposals, from January to April and again from July to October. Both authors and agents are welcome to submit.

For submitting your work, please direct it to:

Due to the high volume of submissions, please consider the following terms and conditions that apply to each submission. By submitting, you are agreeing to these terms:

  • Horton Press LLC is not required to communicate any updates regarding the status of a submission. If we are interested in publishing your work, we will reach out to you.

  • Horton Press LLC holds no responsibility to return any submitted materials. Therefore, please avoid sending anything that you wish to have returned.

Manuscript Guidelines
In the first instance, please send the following:

  • - A synopsis and complete manuscript

  • - Word count (of complete manuscript)

  • - Genre and target audience

  • - Your name and contact details

  • - Any relevant information about the author should also be included

  • - Please send all material for review as a single Word document, Pages document, or PDF file format

Publication Process

Once your submission is received it is considered for publication by an editor, who will assess content, subject matter and suitability under one of our imprints.

If the editor considers the work to be appropriate for our lists, we will put forward an offer of publication, either under a traditional contract or a hybrid publishing contract.