Did you order a Coach's Journal and get one dated for 2023?
The Coach's Journal no longer has dated years on it, and unfortunately one of our suppliers continued to ship out the journals using an outdated manuscript. We are working with the supplier to correct the issue, but we want to make it right. If you purchased a copy of The Coach's Journal between 8.13.23 and 4.1.24 and received a copy with 2023 printed inside of the journal, then we will replace it for free. Even if you used it.
To get a free replacement copy, please email info@hortonpress.com and include the following in your email:
Your Name
Your shipping address
Write your email address on the page with the calendar for January and send a picture.
Proof of purchase (receipt from HortonPress.com or Amazon.com)
This offer is available until May 1st, 2024.

Will I have to pay shipping for the replacement?
If you are in the continental US, then no. Shipping is free.
When can I expect to get my replacement copy?
We will ship out replacements all at once on May 1st, 2024.
Why are you doing this? Won't this cost you a lot of money to replace them all instead of just the ones sent by the supplier?
Yes, it will. Ultimately though, the newer version of The Coach's Journal is vastly improved over the first generation. It offers a better organization strategy and offers more versatility, namely no years on the calendar so if you order extras for your coaching staff and end up with some leftover, they aren't paperweights next season. We want all of our customers to receive the new and improved versions and experience the best of what we have to offer!
What if I bought multiple copies? Can I get them all replaced?
Yep. Every copy. Free.